
  • CAT Number: I006299
  • CAS Number: 1000852-17-4
  • Molecular Formula: C18H17BrN4O3
  • Molecular Weight: 417.26
  • Purity: ≥95%
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Crolibulin (Cat.No:I006299), also known as EPC2407 and crinobulin, is a small molecule tubulin polymerization inhibitor with potential antineoplastic activity. Microtubulin inhibitor EPC2407 binds to the colchicine-binding site on beta-tubulin and inhibits the polymerization of tubulin into microtubules, which may result in cell cycle arrest, the induction of apoptosis, and the inhibition of tumor cell proliferation. As a vascular disruption agent (VDA), this agent also disrupts tumor neovascularization, which may result in a reduction in tumor blood flow and tumor hypoxia and ischemic necrosis.

Catalog Number I006299
CAS Number 1000852-17-4
Molecular Formula


Purity 95%
Solubility Soluble in DMSO, not in water
Storage 0 - 4°C for short term ,or -20 °C for long term
IUPAC Name (4R)-2,7,8-triamino-4-(3-bromo-4,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-4H-chromene-3-carbonitrile
InChI InChI=1S/C18H17BrN4O3/c1-24-13-6-8(5-11(19)17(13)25-2)14-9-3-4-12(21)15(22)16(9)26-18(23)10(14)7-20/h3-6,14H,21-23H2,1-2H3/t14-/m1/s1
SMILES COC1=C(C(=CC(=C1)[C@@H]2C3=C(C(=C(C=C3)N)N)OC(=C2C#N)N)Br)OC

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